Dear Friends,
IS TO VISIT's purpose is to draw visibility to Gulf Coast
businesses and to encourage tourism to Gulf Coast attractions.
While the campaign is still in development, our website is the first
installment. We are reaching out to Gulf Coast businesses and people that cater to tourism, dining, hospitality, fine arts,
performing arts, and educational attractions and posting their website links on our site. We only post links for those who directly permit us to do so based on our outreach to them.
We hope that you will encourage your
colleagues and friends in the community to send us their website addresses for immediate posting. There is absolutely no fee
or obligation involved. We just want this program to grow and to and provide an additional outlet for the visibility of Gulf
Coast businesses as they continue to rebuild. The campaign will take time to expand, but we are off to a great start.
Thank you for your help in sharing this
opportunity. Please contact us if we can answer any questions about the project.
With best wishes,
James Auburn Tootle, Jr. (Biloxi native) and Darcie-Nicole Wicknick